有害微生物的生长一直困扰着许多行业领域,尤其是食品和药品制造商。它们无处不在且难以消除,不断地威胁着人类的健康。霉菌的生长与环境的温度和湿度有着密切的关系,只要将环境的温湿度控制在合理的范围内便可有效抑制霉菌的生长。若湿度控制能将相对湿度控制在50%以下,那么所有微生物的生长都会受到抑制。蒙特在湿度控制领域拥有60多年的丰富经验,已经推出了一系列的解决方案,在任何规模的生产或存储设施中,均可通过降低相对湿度抑制微生物的生长。Unwanted microbial growth is an ever-present problem in many areas of industry, particularly for food and pharmaceutical manufacturers. They are ubiquitous and difficult to eliminate, constantly threatening human health. Moulds growth and environmental temperature and humidity have a close relationship, as long as the environmental temperature and humidity control in a reasonable range can effectively inhibit moluds growth. Humidity control that reduces the relative humidity below 50% will stop all microbial growth. With over 60 years of experience in the field of humidity control, Munters has a range of solutions to control microbial growth by reducing the relative humidity level in any size of production or storage facility.